Band of Brothers Hopes to Facilitate Kindness for the Less Fortunate Again This Holiday Season
October 13, 2022
Mountaineer News
Upshur County Commission

Band of Brothers Member Al Tucker addresses Upshur County Commission on October 6th.
BUCKHANNON- During the October 6th Upshur County Commission meeting, two members from the annual Buckhannon Band of Brothers addressed the commissioners to announce the sale of their 2023 West Virginia Scenic Calendar and provide information regarding this year's goals to help underprivileged children.
An informational handout was provided regarding the calendar sale, which also included information about the organization, their past efforts and contact information.

Watch the segmented videos of Al Tucker and Tim Rock with the Buckhannon Brothers during their Upshur County Commission appearance on October 6th:
Video 1: Band of Brothers - Al Tucker's Introduction
Video 2: Al Tucker reflects on past projects, including last year's 'West Virginia Kid's Count'.
Video 3: Al Tucker shares a heart-warming story and explains why the Band of Brothers do what they do each year:
Video 4: Band of Brothers member Tim Rock addresses the Commissioners:
