City Council Approves Mutual Agreement between Buckhannon and Weston Police Departments
October 21, 2022
Mountaineer News
Buckhannon City Council
BUCKHANNON - During the police department report at the October 18th City Council meeting, Lt. Doug Loudin with the Buckhannon Police Department presented a mutual aid agreement with the Weston Police department for council's consideration.
"We've been in communication with several communities surrounding us to prepare these mutual aid agreements if we ever have a need for their assistance and, likewise, their need for our assistance. Tonight we have the mutual aid agreement with the Weston Police Department. Especially in light of the WAMSB event coming up next year, we're definitely going to need the resources to help with that event, as well as any other events that come forward," Lt. Loudin said.
City Council voted unanimously to authorize Robbie Skinner as Mayor of Buckhannon and Chief Matthew Gregory as the Chief of Police to sign and execute the agreement.
Watch the brief informative session provided by Lt. Loudin with council member questions/comments here: