City Council Unanimously Approves Ordinance 462 Allowing Boots for Habitual Parking Offenders
January 6, 2022
Mountaineer News
Buckhannon City Council

L-R: Councilman Dave Thomas, Councilman CJ Rylands, City Recorder Randy Sanders, Mayor Robbie Skinner, Councilman Jack Reger, Councilman Dave McCauley and Councilwoman Pam Bucklew during the January 5, 2023 Buckhannon City Council meeting.
BUCKHANNON - During the first Buckhannon City Council meeting of 2023, one of the items on the agenda included a second (and final) reading of Ordinance 462.
The ordinance addresses the installation of boot devices for habitual parking offenders.
Watch City Attorney Tom O'Neill provide the second of two readings; A third reading was not required because the ordinance does not implement any fine, fee or cost associated with removal of the boot:
Prior to Council voting unanimously to approve Ordinance 462, concerns were initially raised by Councilman CJ Rylands regarding its semantics:
Councilman Jack Reger also raised concerns regarding public perception, citing conversations and experiences he has had with parking issues and fines... or the lack thereof:
City Attorney Tom O'Neill addressed the Councilmembers' questions and concerns and Council approved the ordinance unanimously. Ordinance 462 will go into effect on February 5, 2023:
