Balance, Wellness, and Self Care; Behind the Buzzwords
Updated: Mar 15, 2020
By: Brandi Mills, Life | Fitness | Women's Wellness Coach
Posted: February 26, 2020 | 07:40 EST
Buckhannon, WV - Balance, wellness, and self care, oh my! Literally, everywhere we turn this is slapped in our faces. Words that most will roll their eyes to, because how can anyone be balanced, well or even have time to take care of themselves in this tightly wound, fast paced, busy lifestyle that is enabled everywhere we turn?! We live in a world where taking time off of work for even just necessary appointments, parental leave, or God forbid, a sick child, we are looked down upon, sometimes reprimanded for. We are expected to have a thriving life, career, and children with little support getting there. Cue the shame, comparisons, and insecurities that eat away at a thriving life, career, and children.
It’s true though, the world we are in now is not the grounded, disconnected, simple life we might have grown up with. But we have gotten a lot of what we wanted, like more conveniences (hello, Amazon Prime), technology at our fingertips (literally glued to our hands), and connection to anyone, any place, at any given moment. What was hugely missed was the opportunity to keep some of the “down” time because of the fast paced lifestyle. But we didn’t, we filled it with more meetings, work, and/or mindless social media scrolling. We are now being indirectly rewarded for running ourselves ragged. Getting ourselves farther from balance, wellness, and self care. So, yea, when someone comes at you with get balanced, well and do your self care, that may be triggering.
These words, balance, wellness, and self care are buzzwords for a reason, because the world needs it more than ever. These buzzwords fly left and right, but when you can see the intention that they have behind them and how, maybe, just maybe, the world needs a little more of them, they might actually bring something positive to your life.
What do I mean?
Well, start by evaluating your life, what area of your life could use a little more balance? Where could you be more intentional? Maybe self care for you, in your hectic life, just means taking a five minute walk in fresh air or maybe even just taking in some deep breaths to calm your nervous system. It doesn’t have to be trips to the spa or getting your nails done, unless that is something that lights up your life. You do you!
Becoming more balanced doesn’t have to be complicated. Start simple with something manageable. You don’t even have to spend money, get creative. The best place to start is to think about things that put a smile on your face, refreshes you and makes you feel good. Following those instincts lead you on the path to a better well being. Another little insider tip, balance is something we have to actively work on and give attention to. Life can hit us hard when we aren’t looking so it becomes a give and take. I call this action, Balancebuilding®. What feels balanced to you is not always what feels balanced to someone else.
We can’t change societal stigmas without first changing ourselves. If we want the world to have a better balance we need to, first, find our own. If we want the world to be well, we need to prioritize wellness as individuals. If we want the world to acknowledge self care, we need to take it. We can only give the energy we have.
Where do you go from here?
*Acknowledge where you are. Hold yourself accountable.
*Meet yourself where you are.
*Show yourself some love and grace. A journey to one’s self is never easy but always worth it.
*Reach out for help and communicate your needs clearly. Whether that is to a family member, friend, or even a professional to help get you where you want to be.
*Communicate from a place of love. Sometimes we can be so overwhelmed and anxious that we can sound harsh. Speak from your true feelings and exactly what you need. Understand that people are not mind readers and you can not hold them accountable for what you didn’t communicate.
*Organize your priorities. Making a list of your top priorities daily or weekly will help you say no to things that are getting in your way of being your best self.
*Take action! Again, balance and true wellness take intention. Plan your day according to your priorities.
These steps will encourage the feeling of accomplishment, self confidence, and your authentic self. Doesn’t that make for huge successes? Behind the buzzwords are actions that could truly save your well being. Aren't we all just trying to be truly happy as our authentic selves? What are you waiting for?
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Editor's Note: Brandi Mills is a wellness blogger, Holistic Life Coach, Yoga Teacher, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Mompreneur from small town, Blacksville, West Virginia that has recently made Buckhannon, WV her new home with her husband and son. Brandi is passionate about helping others find their own personal balance that she meshed all of her credentials together to bring a fresh new approach to balance and created The Balancebuilding® Philosophy. This way of living provides information and tools to help others achieve complete synchronicity between the mind, body and soul, for a lifetime. She is on a mission to share tools to empower others to confidently live as their best selves. She created the Balancebuilding® Philosophy after going on her own journey to finding balance, recovering from the physical and mental extremes from competitive bodybuilding, going from a bodybuilder to a balancebuilder.
Brandi has a total of 10 years working in the healthcare field, including time specifically with High Risk Obstetrics as an Ultrasound technician. She has dedicated the last 2 years guiding and inspiring clients to live their best, balanced life. Along with the Mountaineer News, Brandi has contributed writings to Thrive Global and contributes meditations to Insight Timer. After finishing her Yoga Teacher Training and becoming a mother herself, she has dedicated a lot of her time focusing specifically on women’s health, including multiple certifications in perinatal wellness and pelvic floor healing through yoga and exercise. Her openhearted, nonjudgmental approach focuses on helping individuals reach their mind, body and soul goals through coaching, yoga, nutrition, and exercise. With a variety of services offered, such as custom wellness plans, general and private yoga classes, a Postpartum Wellness Online course, occasional programs, workshops and retreats, there are many opportunities to explore what Brandi has to offer.