Council Votes Unanimously to Accept Steptoe & Johnson as Legal Bond Counsel for SYCC Addition
Updated: Dec 26, 2022
December 25, 2022
Mountaineer News
Buckhannon City Council

Buckhannon City Recorder & Information Coordinator Randy Sanders and Mayor Robbie Skinner discuss outside bond counsel for the SYCC multipurpose building addition during the December 15th City Council meeting.
BUCKHANNON - During the December 15th City Council meeting, Council voted unanimously to sign with Steptoe & Johnson as bond counsel in the opening financing phase of the Stockert Youth & Community Center’s new multipurpose addition.
Mayor Skinner began the discussion and cited previous experiences working with Tom Aman | Steptoe & Johnson, and requested that Counsel authorize engagement with the firm to proceed as the City's bond counsel:
"The Building Commission met last evening (Wednesday, December 14th)… you'll recall last Council meeting we appointed the Building Commission to start the process for the financing portion of the new Stockert Youth & Community Center building. So, that board was sworn in and met last night, here with myself Mr. Sanders and Amby Jenkins and Tom Aman and Tom O'Neill. We had a good discussion… gave the board some background on the project and then we took care of our line items. And tonight, one of those line items was the execution of the engagement letter with Steptoe & Johnson," Skinner said.
"So, if you'll recall we did this exact same exercise when I believe you (Councilman David McCauley) began the process as mayor, and we purchased the Mud Lick property for our new street garage and we used Steptoe & Johnson for our bond counsel then, same gentleman Tom Amon and so, we asked the building commission if we could use the same gentleman once again and the same law firm once again with this project and they acted unanimously," the Mayor recalled.
"So tonight, we need the council's approval to support what the Building Commission did; the chairperson signed the letter, and I need your approval this evening to allow me to sign the letter to engage Steptoe & Johnson and Tom Aman as our bond counsel, " Skinner said.
City Finance Director Amberle Jenkins addressed Council, shared positive experiences regarding working with Tom Aman | Steptoe & Johnson in the past and further discussed the bonding process, as well as going through another whole set of processes for financing:
Mayor Skinner further discussed differences regarding current financing options, and the need to monitor the market in an effort to secure a good rate. Council voted unanimously to accept Steptoe & Johnson as the legal bond counsel for the City of Buckhannon.
ICYMI: City Attorney Tom O'Neill provided a financing update during the December 1st, 2022 City Council Meeting, where he discussed a reimbursement resolution that would enable the city to be reimbursed for any expenses it may occur between now and when the bonds close. TAP HERE to access the article.
