Former Teacher’s Aides Charged with Not Reporting Abuse
August 30, 2022
News Release | AP
CHARLESTON, WV - Two former teacher’s aides have been charged with failing to report the abuse of special needs students at a West Virginia elementary school, the Kanawha County Prosecutor’s Office said.
The charges were announced Monday in connection with a case involving former special education teacher Nancy Boggs, officials told news outlets.
Boggs pleaded guilty in May to 10 misdemeanor counts of battery and was sentenced this month to 10 years in prison stemming from incidents in September 2021.
The aides were charged under a state law that requires school employees to report to authorities when they have “reasonable cause” to suspect abuse or neglect or witness “conditions that are likely to result in abuse or neglect.”
One aide pleaded not guilty during an initial court appearance Monday and the other postponed the arraignment until her lawyer could be present.