Monitoring and Support from Parents Keep Kids Safer
October 16, 2022
Mountaineer News
Child/Teen Safety & Prevention
When kids are singled out and bullied, it sets the stage for social isolation and feelings of worthlessness. With the digital age, bullying is no longer limited to the school halls and playground. Through social media sites, users can share humiliating posts, pictures or videos with their entire school with the click of a button.
We’ve seen story after story of young people who have taken their own lives after being relentlessly bullied.. In person, bullying is brutal enough, but with cyberbullying, it’s kind of 24/7.
Experts recommend periodically monitoring your children’s social networking sites to keep them safe online.
If a child says he or she is seriously considering suicide or has just made a suicide attempt, immediate treatment at an emergency room may be necessary.
It’s important to not panic because one of the most important things is to get more information and get the fullest picture possible of what’s going on. Anyone worried about suicide, including family members, friends and teachers should call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988 and get an assessment from a trained professional 24/7.
Because teens are more likely to communicate online than make a phone call, Lifeline recently added a chat function to their website. Lifeline can evaluate a person’s risk of suicide and identify mental health providers in your area who are specifically trained to handle suicide risk.
The care, concern and support of friends and family can often be life-saving to someone who is in psychological pain and thinking of suicide.
As a parent, you can stay better connected with your kids by getting to know their friends and being aware of the pressures they’re under. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and most importantly, be supportive, no matter what they’re going through.
If you suspect a mental disorder, substance abuse problem or suicidal risk, take action immediately. The biggest mistake is doing nothing.