Ordinance 461 Approved Unanimously, Meaning Fewer Board Members and Meeting Changes for SYCC Board
November 6, 2022
Mountaineer News
Buckhannon City Council

City Recorder & Information Coordinator Randy Sanders and Mayor Robbie Skinner
BUCKHANNON - The second of two readings of Ordinance 461 was read aloud by city attorney Tom O’Neill during the November 3rd City Council meeting, where Council members voted unanimously to approve the reduction of board members and meeting schedule for the Stockert Youth & Community Center board.
With the changes taking effect, there will be nine board members (previously eleven) and mandatory meetings will convene quarterly in lieu of monthly.
Due to the finalization of financing and building plans for the Stockert Youth & Community Center's multi-purpose addition, the ordinance was updated.
Watch the second reading of Ordinance 461 with unanimous approval by Council:
