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Buckhannon Reproductive Rights Rally Unites Residents from Upshur and Surrounding Counties

Updated: Jul 2, 2022

June 30, 2022

Mountaineer News | The Editors

Hot Topic Thursday's

BUCKHANNON, WV - Protesters rallied in front of the Upshur County Courthouse in downtown Buckhannon on Tuesday evening. The local Reproductive Rights Rally was co-organized by local residents Kylee Rice and Lisa Gum.

Over 60 residents from Buckhannon and the surrounding areas arrived on-scene to participate in the event. We spoke with several of the participants, including Mandy Wyrick:

Several creative and colorful signs were on display; Interactive chants could be heard up and down Locust and Main Streets as an overwhelming show of support was displayed from passerby's via shouts and horn honks.

After rallying for an hour in front of the Courthouse, participants walked down Main Street to conclude the event at Wellness Haven across from City Hall, where refreshments were provided and fellowship ensued.

We caught up with the organizers after the event and asked what concerned citizens can do to keep the momentum going and how people can become involved. Co-organizer Lisa Gum stated:

"One of the first things is to donate to some of the organizations who support abortion rights and reproductive care, such as WV Women's Health Center of WV, Holler Health Justice, Planned Parenthood, WV FREE, the ACLU WV, which is very supportive legally and the National Organization for Women."

Watch Lisa's Interview for More In-Depth Information:

The Supreme Court's decision last Friday eliminates the nearly 50-year-old constitutional right to abortion and hands states authority to drastically limit or ban the procedure. Going forward, abortion rights will be determined by states unless Congress acts.

The 6-3 decision by a majority of conservative justices to fundamentally reshape American society by overturning the landmark 1973 precedent is certain to ignite a political firestorm and yield a complex patchwork of state laws that will effectively block large swathes of the population from terminating unwanted pregnancies.

The SCOTUS ruling upholds Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban, which directly clashed with Roe’s requirement that states permit abortion up to the point of fetal viability; around 24 weeks; as well as Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a 1992 decision that reaffirmed Roe’s core holding.

Co-organizer Kylee Rice was grateful for all of the support shown by not only our community, but our neighboring communities as well. She also wants to remind everyone of the next Reproductive Rights Protest happening tomorrow (Friday, July 1st) between 5:00pm - 7:00pm at the Upshur County Courthouse.

The event will comprise a women’s march and peaceful protest for the overturn of Roe v. Wade and the introduction of bills that endanger the rights of women, the LGBTQIA+ and other minorities in the United States.


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