Local Business Owner Compares Mask Mandate to Holocaust
November 16, 2020 - 01:51 AM
News Release
A local bakery, Taste and See caused a bit of controversy on their Facebook profile Sunday evening.
The bakery's owner, Michelle Taylor, stated,
"In response to Governor Jim Justice’s latest mask ruling: Taste and See is not on the payroll of the Governor and will not enforce his mandate.
We are not afraid of a virus that has a 99.99% recovery rate, proven therapeutics and a soon to be available vaccine.
Anyone entering our bakery is free to wear a mask if that makes you feel comfortable or free not to. I’m not your mama or your conscience. We still believe in freedom and our US Constitution and the rights guaranteed by Our Creator.
I have a constitutional lawyer on hand to fight any legal action brought against us for this stand. We appreciate all our customers who continue to shop with us and we respect the decision of all those who choose not to.
God bless you all and God bless America."
Michelle Taylor and Hannah Taylor, Owners of Taste and See in Buckhannon, WV
These comments were not well received by several members of the community, especially given the recent spikes of outbreaks in our county and region.
Ms. Taylor continued to make her case by comparing the mask mandate to the holocaust:
"Perhaps you all should create a "safe space" and force all the 'noncompliant' people to live in it in order to keep the rest of you "safe" from this terrible 99.99% recovery rate virus..maybe you could put up some barbed wire, maybe put an emblem on our chest in order to differentiate the "good", virtuous, people" from the "evil germ spreaders" maybe we'll call it ghetto..maybe eventually we'll load alll those "bad people" up and put them on trains and take them to re-education camps so they can be taught how to be good, obedient global citizens? What do you think?"
Local residents were outraged by this response, causing the business's Facebook rating to plummet from a near five-star rating to under three stars in a matter of hours. Several comments posted by concerned citizens were also deleted by Taylor.
When asked for clarification regarding her comments, Ms. Taylor simply auto-responded with, "This person has posted this review simply because they do not agree with my political views concerning mandatory masks."
Let us know what you think on our Facebook page!
Once again, making my WV look stupid to educated people anywhere.. Approaching 300,000 dead Americans by Thanksgiving. I've lost family and friends. Close down her business and jail her as a danger to public safety. She represents the worst of us.