The 8th Annual Almost Heaven BBQ Bash; Buckhannon's First Evening Parade, 'Art Cars' and Great Food
October 9, 2022
Mountaineer News
Buckhannon City Council

The Almost Heaven BBQ Bash Founder, Jody Light
BUCKHANNON - The 8th Annual Almost Heaven BBQ Bash is scheduled for June 16th and 17th, 2023 at Jawbone Park, with Buckhannon's first-ever nighttime parade slated for the evening of June 16th, 2023.
Its Founder, Jody Light addressed City Council during their October 6th meeting to explain the theme and introduction of 'art cars' to the BBQ Bash for 2023.
According to Ms. Light, an art car is defined as any mode of transportation; a car, truck, golf cart, motorcycle, 4x4, bicycle, tractor, etc., that has been modified or redesigned in some way to change its artistic appearance through a mobile expression of art.
The BBQ Bash will be partnering with the Vo Tech Center, as well as Upshur County Schools; K-12 plan to conduct decorating contests: The elementary schools will create cardboard cars to decorate; Middle and high-school students will more than likely be decorating bicycles (TBD). Contest winners from each school will represent their respective schools during the parade.
Ms. Light also asked the community for used bicycle donations (not new) for the schools so that the students could get started.
The Vo Tech center is taking a car that was donated for the event to create an art car as the official Almost Heaven BBQ Bash mascot car. Once the car is procured, Ms. Light stated she would announce the donor.
Watch Jody Light's full address to City Council and Council Member comments:
