Upshur County Commission and Buckhannon City Council Met in Rare Joint Session Wednesday
March 1, 2023
Mountaineer News
Upshur County Commission

Members of the Upshur County Commission and Buckhannon City Council begin their joint session meeting on Wednesday, March 1st, 2023. / Mountaineer News Photo
BUCKHANNON - The Upshur County Commission and Buckhannon City Council met Wednesday during a rare joint session at the Upshur County Administrative Annex. Per the provided agenda, the session was called to discuss undisclosed property matters.
County Commissioner Doug Bush and City Recorder & Information Coordinator Randy Sanders attended the meeting virtually.
Once the meeting was called to order, County Commissioner Sam Nolte made a motion to enter into Executive Session (per WV Code §6-9A-4 (9); City Councilman Dave Thomas seconded the motion with unanimous approval.
Though no information has been released as to the nature of the 'property matters' discussed in today's Executive Session, we'll reference a video clip from the January 19, 2023, Buckhannon City Council Meeting where the County's recent purchase of properties from the Gary W. Evans family was discussed briefly by Councilman David McCauley. Mayor Robbie Skinner responded to McCauley by stating that the County's purchase would be discussed in an Executive Session, which occurred immediately following the January 19th meeting.
This is a developing story. We'll keep you up-to-date as more information becomes available.
