VIDEO: The Menorah Lighting at Jawbone Park
December 18, 2022
Mountaineer News
Community Connections

Organizer Daya Wright addresses attendees during the menorah lighting ceremony on December 18th
BUCKHANNON - Earlier this evening at Jawbone Park, members of the Upshur County community came out in windy conditions and cold temperatures to celebrate the lighting of the menorah and the Jewish holiday of Chanukah. Sufganiyot (round, jelly filled donuts) and gelt (chocolate coins) were served.
A musical performance by the Buckhannon-Upshur High School “Sound Waves”, under the direction of Jeremiah Smallridge opened the ceremony:
Organizer Daya Wright welcomed those in attendance and provided a brief history of the menorah lighting at Jawbone Park, and what the City of Buckhannon means to all of us:
Mayor Robbie Skinner shared a few thoughts regarding the Holiday season, and thanked Wright for making the public menorah lighting event more and more successful each year:
After Mayor Skinner spoke, Wright told the story of the menorah.
When a small Jewish army known as the Maccabees reclaimed their temples from the Greeks, they found the eternal light, Ner Tamid (the eternal light), with only enough oil to last a single day.
“It was then that the miracle occurred,” Wright said. “The little lamp with enough oil for only one day burned brightly for eight days. It gave the Jewish people hope and renewed their faith. This why we have Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights... we celebrate Hanukkah to remember the brave Maccabees, and the little oil lamp that burned brightly for eight long days, long ago," she said.
Watch Wright tell the story here:
At the conclusion of the ceremony, everyone was invited to the stage to say a blessing over the candle, led by Wright, and the menorah was lit for Chanukha:
