WAMSB 2023: International Coordinator for the USA Addresses City Council
February 4, 2023
Mountaineer News
Buckhannon City Council

Brian Ingelson, World Association of Marching Show Bands - International Coordinator for the United States addresses Buckhannon City Council on February 2nd.
BUCKHANNON - During the February 2nd Buckhannon City Council meeting, Brian Ingelson, International Coordinator for the USA representing the World Association of Marching Show Bands (WAMSB) was in attendance to address Council.
"I am so happy that Buckhannon won the ability to do this event. This organization (WAMSB) is almost 30 years old now. And every year, except during the Covid years we held World Championships, and it has literally been all over the world. And so this year, Buckhannon joins this really exclusive group of cities who have hosted the World Championships," Ingelson said.
Watch Mr. Ingelson's full address to City Council here:
After Ingleson's address, he awarded Councilmembers medallions from the 2017 WAMSB Palm Springs event; the first ever held in the United States. Buckhannon will be the second US city to ever host the event.
"Every person who participated in the (2017) festival was awarded one of these medallions and today they're after highly sought after," Ingelson stated.
"And we also have some pins and pens from the city (Palm Springs, California). The mayor (Grace Elena Garner) was very excited to provide those. However, they weren't available until eight o’clock this morning, and by that time I was almost to Denver, so my wife picked them up and I'll be mailing to those to Randy (Sanders) as soon as I get back. So, you’ll have those next week," he said.
"On behalf of Palm Springs, on behalf of WAMSB, and really, on behalf of all the people involved before… congratulations," he concluded.
Watch councilmembers receive their medallions, as well as additional comments and miscellaneous WAMSB information here:
