When's the Last Time You Hit A Deer (or a Deer Hit You)? There's a 1 in 116 Chance of Hitting One!
October 15, 2022
Mountaineer News
Statistical Saturday's

Welcome to our new feature called 'Statistical Saturday's, where we'll be featuring random statistics that many of us can relate to.
For our inaugural stats, we felt it appropriate to investigate the number of annual deer collisions and provide the information to our readers; especially since we're quickly approaching November, which is recorded as seeing the highest rate of deer collisions each year.
So, without further ado, we bring you the following:
West Virginia has the highest car insurance claims for collisions with an animal.
67% of animal collisions are caused by deer.
About 1.5 million motor vehicle accidents in the U.S. are caused by deer each year.
Every year, over one million deer get hit by cars.
Deer cause over $1 billion in property damage.
Collisions with deer cause 200 fatalities each year.
There is a 1 in 116 chance of hitting a deer with a car in the United States.
The most common time deer collisions happen is between 6pm–9pm.
When there is a full moon, you are more likely to hit a deer.
November sees the highest rate of deer collisions.
Virginia has the most extended deer hunting season of all the states.
Texas has the highest number of white-tailed deer in the nation, with over 4 million.
24.1% of South Dakota residents are registered hunters.
There is an estimation of 33.5 million deer in the United States.
There are six species of true deer in North America, and the most common species is the white-tailed deer.
