West Virginia Wesleyan, Main Street; A Vintage Buckhannon Exclusive Presented by Mountaineer News
September 6, 2022
Mountaineer News
Vintage Buckhannon
This week, it's a TRIPLE-SHOT exclusive straight out of the Vintage Buckhannon Vault:
This past Saturday, September 3rd, West Virginia Wesleyan College celebrated their 132nd Birthday. So, today we're sharing some early photos of the campus while inserting a little more Buckhannon history in the mix. We hope you enjoy these exclusives!
Photo 1: [1905]

Aftermath of W.U.W.V. Seminary Building Fire
The first is an extremely rare image depicting the remains of the old Seminary building that was destroyed by fire on February 5th, 1905.
Photo 2: [1905]

Construction of W.U.W.V.'s New Main Building
The second is an extremely rare image depicting near-completion construction of the new administration building for Wesleyan University of West Virginia (W.U.W.V.) in 1905.
If you look into the opening above the rear construction (right of the 'Music Hall'), you'll see a smokestack from the old Wm. Flaccus Oak Leather Tannery on Mill Street (more to follow on the tannery, which was also destroyed by fire).
Wesleyan University of West Virginia (W.U.W.V.) changed its name to West Virginia Wesleyan College (W.V.W.C.) on Alumni Day, June 5, 1906.
Photo 3: [1919]

The third is an extremely rare image from 1919 depicting Dr. Beer's Sanatorium at 78 West Main Street.
The sanatorium claimed to be, "A home-like place for the care and treatment of the sick". They offered X-Ray, electricity, bathing and massage services. Extended stay rooms were also available, which included room, board, nursing and treatment at rates of $18 to $25 per week.

CLICK HERE or on the image above for the Vintage Buckhannon: A West Virginia Wesleyan College Exclusive featured on July 12, 2022.
A first-hand account of the Seminary Building fire is included with rare and exclusive photos - including an authentic Wesleyan University of West Virginia (W.V.W.U.) invitation to the June 5th, 1906 Alumni Day when the board of trustees permanently changed the institution's name to West Virginia Wesleyan College (W.V.W.C.) - and an eye-witness account of the fire.

If you haven't taken the virtual online tour inside the Upshur County Courthouse Clock Tower, you can watch the full feature now by following this link: INSIDE THE UPSHUR COUNTY COURTHOUSE CLOCK TOWER

CLICK HERE to watch a video about FDR's Filmmaker, Pare Lorentz... one of Buckhannon's own. Two of his documentaries are fully viewable here as well.

Revisit us here every Tuesday to see new additions as we continue to build this virtual online pictorial for our community featuring the landmarks and people of Upshur County's bygone days. Stay tuned... it's about to get really interesting.
*Updated September 6, 2022 | Next Update - September 13, 2022